Mark Your Calendar – May 2017

Stay in the know. Mark these important dates for May 2017.



  • If you or your spouse or common-law partner were self-employed in 2016, your personal tax filing deadline is June 15, 2017. However, if you have taxes owing for 2016, you must have paid it on or before April 30, 2017 to avoid interest and penalty charges. Contact us if you have any questions. 



  • If you have a corporation with a year-end of November 30, then May 31, 2017 is the filing deadline for your corporate tax return. Please ensure that you have provided your year-end items to our office so that we can file your return on time.
  • If you have a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) with a year-end of February 28* and you have corporate taxes owing, the balance of your tax is due by May 31, 2017.
  • If your corporate year-end is May 31 you should be receiving a reminder and checklist from our office for the items we need to do some tax planning on your part and complete your filings on time.


*Please contact our office for more details on making this payment.