The Who’s Who – Meet Rachel

By Rachel Wicks

Clearline CPA Rachel WicksWhen I was much younger, I imagined myself carrying a clipboard in one hand, coffee in the other, pacing around an office, and being in charge of something important. They were vague dreams to be sure, but here I am today sitting in my office, my agenda open, and in charge of making sure that this year’s tax season goes smoothly. A significant task indeed!


After getting my Bachelor’s degree at UBC, I dabbled as an office administrator at a real estate office and then at a law firm, until I found my fit with Clearline in 2010 as a staff accountant. Here I learned that organizational and communication skills are just as important as accounting skills!


I jumped at the chance to become Operations Manager at Clearline because I’m passionate about helping others achieve their goals. I love being part of an exciting and dynamic team. I also love that I’m able to put my accounting, organizational and communication skills to good use.


When I’m not at the office, you can find me taking a walk with my family by the sea wall or soaking in the sun at the park, coffee in hand. I’m looking forward to when my kids are old enough to appreciate Harry Potter, so I can take them to the theme park, and hey, let’s be honest, those wands aren’t going to wave themselves, ok?