Make Time for Longer-Term Thinking This Summer

summer - Clearline CPAWe are in June and the filing deadlines are quickly passing us by. In our offices, the stress of deadlines have yet to abate, but on July 1st we will be on the other side of the mountain.


July 1st. This year it marks a special day as we celebrate 150 years as the nation named Canada. I will be spending the day in Ottawa, which is the highlight of my year – I have been anticipating it for over two years now. On behalf of the staff and partners at Clearline, I want to offer our best wishes for Canada Day and a relaxed summer.




It is easy to get caught up in the challenges of our work world and to dwell on things like:

  • Corporate and personal tax instalments
  • Coffee
  • Regular monthly, quarterly and annual GST filings
  • Stress
  • Monthly sales targets
  • Did I mention coffee
  • Cost controls or projections


For the next two months, we advise a proactive, strategic process and allocating time for a more relaxed longer-term approach:

  • Thoughtful consideration of your personal value statement
  • Ice cream or popsicles
  • Consideration of how to achieve the longer-term retirement or home ownerships expectations
  • A relaxing cocktail on the patio


Remember, as you give thought to these longer-term goals, we can help. We excel in helping our clients plan and reach for their expectations. We also enjoy cocktails on the patio. Just saying . . . give us a call.


Happy Canada day or as the marketers would have it, CanaDay!  


As an important aside, if you look, you will find lots of information about Canada 150+, an effort to celebrate our collective history and culture beyond the scope of the colonization. Check out Strengthening our Relations: Canada 150+.